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Английский Этимологический словарь - organ


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- O.E. organe, and O.Fr. orgene, both meaning "musical instrument," both from L. organa, pl. of organum, from Gk. organon "implement, musical instrument, organ of the body," from PIE *worg-, related to Gk. ergon "work." Sense narrowed late M.E. to modern musical instrument known by that name. The meaning "functioning body part" appeared in Eng. 1392.
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  ~ n 1 »BODY PART« a) a part of the body, such as the heart or lungs, that has a particular purpose  (inflammation affecting the internal organs | an organ transplant) b) a word meaning penis, used because you want to avoid saying this directly 2 »MUSICAL INSTRUMENT« a large musical instrument used especially in churches, with one or more keyboards (keyboard1 (1)) and large pipes out of which the sound comes  (an organ recital in Westminster Cathedral) 3 »ORGANIZATION« an organization that is part of, or works for, a larger organization or group + of  (Giving too much power to any organ of government should be avoided.) 4 »NEWSPAPER/MAGAZINE« formal a newspaper or magazine which gives information, news etc for an organization + of  (This publication is the organ of the Conservative Party.) 5 »PLANT« a part of a plant, such as a leaf or stem, that has a special purpose ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (organs) 1. An organ is a part of your body that has a particular purpose or function, for example your heart or lungs. ...damage to the muscles and internal organs. ...the reproductive organs. ...organ transplants. N-COUNT see also sense organ 2. An organ is a large musical instrument with pipes of different lengths through which air is forced. It has keys and pedals rather like a piano. N-COUNT see also barrel organ, mouth organ 3. You refer to a newspaper or organization as the organ of the government or another group when it is used by them as a means of giving information or getting things done. The Security Service is an important organ of the State... = mouthpiece N-COUNT: usu with supp ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, partly from Old English ~a, from Latin ~um, from Greek ~on, literally, tool, instrument; partly from Anglo-French ~e, from Latin ~um; akin to Greek ergon work — more at work  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. archaic any of various musical instruments; especially wind instrument  b.  (1) a keyboard instrument in which sets of pipes are sounded by compressed air and produce a variety of timbres — called also pipe ~  (2) reed ~  (3) an electronic keyboard instrument that approximates the sounds and resources of the pipe ~  (4) any of various similar cruder instruments  2.  a. a differentiated structure (as a heart, kidney, leaf, or stem) consisting of cells and tissues and performing some specific function in an ~ism  b. bodily parts performing a function or cooperating in an activity the eyes and related structures that make up the visual ~s  3. a subordinate group or ~ization that performs specialized functions the various ~s of government  4. periodical ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a a usu. large musical instrument having pipes supplied with air from bellows, sounded by keys, and distributed into sets or stops which form partial organs, each with a separate keyboard (choir organ; pedal organ). b a smaller instrument without pipes, producing similar sounds electronically. c a smaller keyboard wind instrument with metal reeds; a harmonium. d = barrel-organ. 2 a a usu. self-contained part of an organism having a special vital function (vocal organs; digestive organs). b esp. joc. the penis. 3 a medium of communication, esp. a newspaper, sectarian periodical, etc. 4 archaic a professionally trained singing voice. 5 Phrenol. archaic a region of the brain held to be the seat of a particular faculty. Phrases and idioms organ-blower a person or mechanism working the bellows of an organ. organ-grinder the player of a barrel-organ. organ-loft a gallery in a church or concert-room for an organ. organ of Corti see CORTI. organ-pipe any of the pipes on an organ. organ-screen an ornamental screen usu. between the choir and the nave of a church, cathedral, etc., on which the organ is placed. organ-stop 1 a set of pipes of a similar tone in an organ. 2 the handle of the mechanism that brings it into action. Etymology: ME f. OE organa & OF organe, f. L organum f. Gk organon tool ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) элемент; блок; орган 2) полигр. периодическое издание - control organ ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  орган sensory receptor organ — воспринимающий орган - effector organ - executive organ - logical organ - restoring organ ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) орган 2) учреждение - subsidiary organs ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  орган – organ of Bojanus – organ of equilibrium – organ of generation – organ of hearing – organ of sight – organ of smell – organ of taste – organ of touch – accessory genital organs – acoustic organ – adhesive organ – alimentary organ – anchoring organ – appendicular organ – attachment organ – auditory organ – Bidder's organ – blood-forming organ – cell organ – central lymphoid organ – chemical sense organ – chordotonal organ – closed respiratory organs – copulatory organ – Corti's organ – cribriform organ – Cuvierian organs – digestive organ – eliminative organ – enamel organ – end organ – endocrine organ – excretory end organ – exudate organ – female breeding organs – fiddle-stringlike organ – flasklike sense organ – generative organ – Gene's organ – genital organ – Giraldes' organ – Golgi organ – Golgi tendon organ – Graber's organ – grasping organ – gustatory organ – Haller's organ – hemopoietic organ – Heyer-Grosser organ – intromittent organ – Jacobson's organ – Johnston's organ – Keber'sorgan – Leydig's organ – light organ – light-refracting organ – luminous organ – male organs – marginal organs – mechanical sense organ – motor end organ – musical organ – neurotendinous organ – olfactory organ – open respiratory organs – parietal organ – paruterine organ – peripheral lymphoid organ – phagocytic organ – piercing organ – pineal organ – pituitary organ – postantennal organ – primary lymphoid organ – primary reproductive organs – rasping organ – reproductive organs – respiratory organs – Rosenmiiller's organ – rosette organ – sense organs – sex organ – Siebold's organ – sound-producing organ – spiracular musical organ – spiral organ – storage organ – stridulating organ – subgenual organ – subradular organ – supra-tympanal organ – target organ – taste organ – thermoscopic organ – tubular preanal organ – tympanal organ – visual organ –...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. орган; часть тела organs of speech —- органы речи Id: reproductive organs, organs of generation —- органы размножения Id: nasal organ —- нос 2. голос a magnificent organ —- изумительный голос 3. орган, учреждение governmental organs —- правительственные органы subsidiary organ —- вспомогательные органы (в ООН и др. организациях) 4. печатный орган; газета newpapers are the organs of public opinion —- газеты - это органы общественного мнения 5. муз. орган great organ —- большой орган American organ —- фисгармония electronic organ —- электроорган street organ —- шарманка to grind a street organ —- играть на шарманке 6. духовой инструмент ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) орган; - organs of speech  2) орган, учреждение; - governmental organs  3) голос  4) mus. орган; - American organ - street organ  5) печатный орган; газета; organs of public opinion - газеты, radio телевидение ...
Англо-русский словарь


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